Precalculus: With Unit Circle Trigonometry (with CD-ROM and iLrn™ Tutorial)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Buy Cheap Precalculus: With Unit Circle Trigonometry (with CD-ROM and iLrn™ Tutorial)

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David Cohen's PRECALCULUS, WITH UNIT-CIRCLE TRIGONOMETRY, Fourth Edition, focuses on teaching mathematics, using a graphical perspective throughout to provide a visual understanding of college algebra and trigonometry. The author is known for his clear writing style and the numerous quality exercises and applications he includes in his respected texts. In this new edition, graphs, visualization of data, and functions are now introduced much earlier and receive greater emphasis. Many sections now contain more examples and exercises involving applications and real-life data. While this edition takes the existence of the graphing calculator for granted, the material is arranged so that one can teach the course with as much or as little graphing utility work as he/she wishes.

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Customer Buzz
 "Textbook" 2009-06-08
By Leah Murphy
Book was in great shape. Came in only about a week. Great service.

Customer Buzz
 "precalculus: with unit circle trigonometry" 2008-09-27
By Natalia Carney (SAN FRANCISCO, CA USA)
the book was in great condition and it came with the CD-ROM which is always impossible to find when buying a used book. I am very pleased with the item though the price was a bit high.

Customer Buzz
 "Book explains, but does not teach too well." 2007-06-20
By G. Boo (Simi Valley, CA)
If this is a textbook... you don't have much of a choice: get it, or drop the class.

Other than that, the textbook is OK. Not great, since it does not explain to well. Basically, it gives you a forumla, spends about 1/4th of a page using that forumla once, and then moves on. At the end of each section, there are about 100 questions, at the end of the chapter there are another 100 questions. The concepts in here are not too easy, so you probably need to actually learn it using the book (or teachers lecture). However, the book itself does not help much. Basically, it's just a section with 5 concepts (more or less), and each one has one example. That is the only thing which teaches you. The rest is for you to figure out by doing examples.

If you're a very fast and comprehensive learner, it may be good for you, as it expects you to learn on the first try, and do examples to complete your learning. Otherwise, you will need to spend more time to understand the concepts, or pay good attention to the teacher/professor.

Customer Buzz
 "Excellent - particularly for the interested learner" 2007-04-27
By Nathan Johnston (Los Angeles)
After reading other reviews on this book here on Amazon, I chose it for my independent study of precalc. I don't regret the choice.

I find it particularly well-suited for my learning preferences. Accordingly, this will be a text you will love if:

-you like learning systematically; that is, starting from simple concepts and rapidly building upon them

-you take the time to work many of the problems; the problems are expertly written and do wonders at isolating specific concepts and allowing your mind to be aware of them and master them.

-you enjoy solving problems of a mathematical and logical nature

-you have an interest in the subject that may be slightly broader than simply gaining mastery.

On the last item, the author does an excellent job of weaving tidbits of the miscellaneous and sundry of mathematics and using them to keep the mind interested while also teaching a lesson. Often these concepts are treated within an exercise. There is a good balance between including this extra information and sticking to the core subject. The extra information is never off-topic and keeps the material from becoming too dry while not being annoyingly inserted for the primary purpose of filling space. I am not a great fan of lengthy and marginally useful vignettes in textbooks.

If this is what you're looking for in a precalc textbook, this is the book for you.

Customer Buzz
 "Excellent Text, all around" 2006-01-19
By David Diez (Los Angeles, CA)
I learned pre-calculus from this textbook, and now I've been with a youth math program that uses the book for 3 years. This pre-calc book is excellent and is the first book that was of actual use to myself when learning new material.

The examples in the text are clear and helpful, which makes a world of difference with the material. The problems are also well-designed and there are several different types of problems in this book.

Although the price is high and the book is fairly heavy, it is worth it. If you are taking a pre-calc class and this is the required book, rejoice. If you are taking a pre-calc class and it is not and you have problems with pre-calc material, consider getting a 3rd edition of this book (3rd, not 4th, edition -- save on money).

Buy Precalculus: With Unit Circle Trigonometry (with CD-ROM and iLrn™ Tutorial) Now